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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Changing My Focus...

I tried to do a blog about my life. I really did.

Time to face facts, though. My life is pretty normal. Some bad things have happened. A lot of good things have happened. I'm not special.

This past year I've been working my way through an accelerated nursing program to get my bachelor's of science in nursing. It has been difficult and I'm exhausted. Anything worth doing is difficult, of course.

I used to be a designer. That degree was also difficult to get, too. It didn't make me happy, though. I didn't feel passionate about it. Nursing, it turns out, makes me happy. Brightening the day of someone who's in the hospital is the most satisfying work I can think of. It's great when someone feels better at the end of the day than they did at the beginning.

This blog isn't about nursing, though. This blog is about hobbies.

I have a lot of hobbies. Many of them have been neglected lately, but I haven't neglected my roses. I've only moderately neglected my gardening overall.

I also enjoy crochet and baking. With all of these things I'm a novice, but there are a lot of us novices out there and we can learn from one another's mistakes. I will begin writing about my current mistake later this week. Hopefully I will learn to post pictures by then.

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